Home > Speakers > Andres Villegas

Andres Villegas

Software Engineer @ Resonatehq


Distributed Async/Await

Speaking on 15:30-05:00 at Auditorio Principal

Distributed Async/Await extends the widely popular async/await programming model and goes beyond the boundaries of a single process, making distributed computing a first-class citizen. Resonate provides this dead simple programming model to build applications of any scale, from the smallest to the largest, from the simplest to the most complex. In this talk, we will explore the basics of the Distributed Async/Await model, the Resonate JavaScript SDK, and how these pieces allow us to build cloud applications that just work, are simple to reason about, and offer a delightful developer experience.


Helping people write dead simple distributed systems at Resonate. Prev, Debuggers and Symbolization at Google and Microsoft.