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Adrian Estrada

Node Source


LLM apps 101 para JS Devs

Speaking on 16:00-05:00 at Auditorio Marino Martínez

¿Quieres crear aplicaciones con inteligencia artificial? En este workshop de 2 horas, aprenderás los fundamentos para desarrollar tus primeras apps con Large Language Models (LLMs) usando JavaScript. ¡Manos a la obra!

Qué aprenderás:

  • Introducción a los LLM

  • Herramientas y librerías esenciales

  • Creación de un chatbot básico

  • Integración de LLMs en tus proyectos


Adrian is VP Of Engineering at NodeSource, seasoned developer and team leader, and also a community organizer. He have over 20 years of experience with multiple companies and programming languages very passionate about Node.js, and have been a leader for ten years for various teams using numerous technologies. Here are some of my accomplishments: - Node.js core collaborator - Developer of the official Node.js certifications with the Open.js foundation - Co-Organizer of MedellinJS - Co-Organizer of JSConf Colombia - Co-organizer NodeConf Colombia - International speaker